Losing a limb can be a very scary and life-changing experience. Over 185,000 people experience a lower extremity amputation every year. In the days, weeks and months following this amputation, you will need to adapt to the new reality of living life without the use of your leg or foot. One of the best ways to make this transition easier is by finding a high-quality prosthesis. 

Once you find and purchase this prosthesis, you will need to take time to get used to this new medical device. One of the main problems new prosthesis wearers experience is blisters. If you want to prevent issues involving prosthesis blisters, consider the great tips in this article.

Properly Caring for Your Prosthesis is Important

When you receive your new prosthesis, you will also be provided with a user guide on how to properly care for this medical device. You need to realize that properly caring for your prosthesis can help you avoid problems like blisters. For instance, removing your prosthesis every night is the first step in avoiding blisters. As you take the prosthesis off, you need to take the time to inspect your device for damage or loose parts. These loose parts can rub against your skin and cause blisters to form. 

You also need to clean and moisturize the leg you wear the prosthesis on. Applying lotion to the skin on this leg can help you keep it healthy and damage-free. Wearing a bandage on your damaged leg can also help you keep it from swelling and subsequently rubbing the prosthetic. 

A Good Fitting Prosthesis

One of the main causes of blisters on amputees is a poorly fitting prosthetic. If the prosthetic is loose, it will cause a lot of friction between your leg and the medical device. As this problem persists, you will start to notice the development of blisters. The prosthetic device you wear is attached to your leg by a socket. If this socket does not fit snug on your leg, it is only a matter of time before problems start to occur. 

One of the best ways to make your prosthetic fit better is by investing in a good fitting liner. These liners are designed to create a comfortable barrier between your bare skin and the prosthetic device you wear. If you are unable to get a better fit with these lingers or a bandage, you need to talk with a trusted prosthetist to figure out what you can do. With their help, you can address this problem effectively. 

Don’t Ignore Skin Irritation

Some new prosthetic wearers write things like skin redness or irritations off as normal. In reality, these problems are usually an early indication that a problem is present. Ignoring skin irritations can lead to the development of painful blisters. This is why you need to take action as soon as these issues arise. 

If you are currently dealing with an uncomfortable prosthesis, it is time to find out more about how Firstcare Orthopedics can help you.