Did you realize there are over 185,000 amputations performed in the United States each year? While these amputations happen for a variety of different reasons, the tough road to recovery following this procedure is generally the same. For most people, the decision on whether to get a prosthesis to replace their missing limb is a no-brainer.

A well-made and durable lower-limb prosthesis can make your life much easier. The main thing you have to do when getting your new prosthesis is to try and adapt to it as quickly as possible.

Here are some of the things you can do to make using a new lower-limb prosthesis easier.

Properly Caring For Your New Prosthesis is Vital

The company who supplies you with a new prosthesis will provide you with a lot of information regarding how to care for and wear the device. Every time you take off the prosthesis, you need to make a habit of cleaning the liner and inspect inside to ensure there is no signs of damage.  After every use, remember to also inspect your residual limb for redness/irritation that remains longer than 20 minutes.

Most medical professionals also recommend that amputees wear a shrinker sock at night to prohibit swelling.

Don’t Wait to Iron Out Problems With the New Prosthetic

Are you having problems regarding the comfort or fit of your new prosthetic? If so, you need to schedule an appointment right away to get these issues resolved. The longer you wait to get professional help with these issues, the harder you will find it to avoid discomfort and further damage to your residual limb.

If you have diabetes, irritation to your skin from the prosthetic device can lead to lots of problems. This is why going in and getting professional assistance with these issues is so important.

Use the Prosthesis on a Daily Basis

The key to getting over the initial discomfort of a new prosthetic device is following a wearing schedule given to you by your prosthetist. Some people make the mistake of over wearing/under wearing the device during the initial break in period. The only way you will be able to get over the initial hump in regards to your new prosthetic is by wearing it as directed.

If the prosthesis you have fits comfortably, there is really no reason why you shouldn’t wear it from sun up to sundown, after the initial break in period. The more you wear it, the more using it will become second nature. Once you get used to this new device, you will probably wonder how you lived without it.

Routine Exercise is Vital

One of the main goals you should have as a recent amputee is strengthening the remaining muscles you have. The best way to accomplish this goal is by exercising regularly. If you are unsure about what type of exercises you should engage in, be sure to consult with a physical therapist. They will have no problem helping you develop a customized exercise plan designed to tackle core groups of muscles.

Avoid Getting Frustrated and Giving Up

Learning how to walk again after losing a leg is probably one of the most challenging things you will do in life. Instead of letting this task overwhelm you, try to stay positive and dedicated to the mission at hand.